Memorandum of Association

Pet Practitioners Association of Mumbai (P.P.A.M.)




Aims and Objectives,   Name of Managing committee,   Rule and regulations,   CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP:  



OFFICE BEARERS AND THEIR DUTIES:   President ;  Secretary and Joint Secretary;    Treasurer 


ELECTION OF THE MANAGING Committee;          





The Aims and Objectives of the Association are:

  • To have mutual social contact and cultural co-operation amongst the members
  • To educate, and keep professionally current, all the members of the Association so that they may better serve the pet population
  • To consider and adopt ways and means to serve the community in general, and in particular to help in the alleviation of suffering of companion (pet) animals
  • To make available services of the Association to other similar Associations in the manner deemed fit by the Association

Full names and addresses of Managing Committee Members of the Association, with Name, Age, Address, Phone number, Designation, Nationality and Occupation.

  1. Dr. Keshav Vishnu Joshi, 68 years, 1, Khimji Apts, Kharkar Lane, Thane W 400 601, Ph: 536 3163. President, Indian National, Veterinarian.

  2. Dr. Trilok Mohan Telang, 42 years, Mahalaxmi CHS, 159, E Sion, Mumbai 400 022, Ph: 409 0034. Secretary, Indian National, Veterinarian.

  3. Dr. Shyam Zulfikar Sharma, 42 years, Sukhmani, N.S. Rd No 10, Juhu Scheme, Mumbai, 400 049. Ph: 620 1666. Joint Secretary, Indian National, Veterinarian.

  4. Dr. Sunita Kartik Patel, 36 years, New India Society, 12th Road, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049, Ph: 612 5790. Treasurer, Indian National, Veterinarian

We, the undersigned, members of Pet Practitioners Association of Mumbai, hereby declare that, being desirous of establishing an Association under the Society's Registration Act 1860, have formed the above Association today and we have signed the Memorandum of Association for the purpose of Registration of the Association under the Society's Registration Act 1860.

Full Name & Address of the Members

  1. T. M. Arunachalam; 30/358, Shell Colony, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071

  2. C. L. Badgujar; Dept of Surgery, B.V.C., Parel, Mumbai 400 012

  3. K. D. Batwe; B -4/34, Mira CHS, W.E. Highway, Mira, Thane 401 104 

  4. D. Bose; 15 Meena, R. B. Mehta Rd, Ghatkopar E, Mumbai 400 077

  5. V. M. Chariar; 5 Laxmi Niwas, Sudarshan Colony, Thane E 400 603

  6. S Gulawne; 13/14 Maratha Bhuvan, Subhash Rd, Vile Parle E, Mumbai 400 057

  7. K. V. Joshi; 1, Khimji Apts, Kharkar Lane, Thane W 400 601

  8. U. D. Karkare; 338 Kalpana, 12th Road, Madhu Park, Khar, Mumbai 400 052

  9. A. R. Mahale; Laxmi Smruti, Saha Niwas, Edulji Rd, Thane W 400 602

  10. S. K. Patel; New India Society, 12th Road, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

  11. S. Z. Sharma; Sukhmani, N.S. Rd No 10, Juhu Scheme, Mumbai 400 049

  12. S. G. Swali; 8 Meena Sadan, Chembur Station Rd, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071

  13. T. M. Telang; Mahalaxmi CHS, 159, E Sion, Mumbai 400 022

  14. C. C. Wakankar; 10/190, Samata Nagar, Kandivali (E), Mumbai 400 101

I know the above persons and they have signed these documents in my presence.


  1. The Association is an Educational, Social,  Apolitical and Non - Profit Making Organisation.

  2. The Association's field of activity shall cover the area of Mumbai and its surrounds.

  3. Financial Year : The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March every year.

  4. Membership and procedure for enrolment : All graduate veterinarians, registered to practice, living in or around Mumbai, and professing a desire or interest in pet or companion animal practice shall be eligible to become members of the P.P.A.M. A person desirous of joining the Association will apply in writing in the prescribed form. The application will be scrutinised by the Managing Committee, who are entitled to reject any application without assigning any reason for such rejection. A person admitted to the membership by the Managing Committee will, upon payment of the subscription prescribed, be enrolled as a member of the Association.*ORDINARY MEMBER : Persons paying annual subscription of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) in advance, every financial year, shall be ordinary members of the Association.


  • An ordinary member will be a member for the period covered by the subscription and shall cease to be a member if he fails to pay the subscription within a period of 3 months without any reasonable cause. Such a member, however, may be admitted again on a written request and on payment of all arrears. Readmission charges of 25% membership fees or Rs.50/ whichever is greater will be applicable to such member

  • Any member who indulges in any activities which are prejudicial to the interests of the Association or are contrary to the aims and objects of the Association may be expelled from membership of the Association. The Managing Committee shall have powers to recommend to the General Body, expulsion of any such member by passing a resolution in the Managing Committee meeting to that effect supported by at least 2/3rd of the members of the committee present at the meeting.

  • The Resolution of the Managing Committee will be considered in the General Body meeting or a special General Meeting called for the purpose, and the action to be taken will be decided by a 2/3rd majority of the members present, and entitled to vote. The concerned member against whom action is to be taken will be given notice of not less than 14 days before the said meeting. Such member is given an opportunity for his/her defence

6.            ANNUAL GENERAL  MEETING: The Annual General Meeting shall be held within six (6) months of the close of the official  

              year  fixed. The functions of the General Meeting are -     


  • To select 4 members of the Managing Committee  for the next three years.

  • To appoint a person or persons to audit the accounts of the  Association during the ensuing year and fix remuneration  therefore if any.

  • To receive from the Managing Committee the annual report, and balance sheet of the previous year and to sanction the budget  for the ensuing year.

  • To consider any communication or audit memo that may have  been received from the Registrar of Societies or any other authority and to transfer any other business duly brought forward.


  • In the case of an Annual General Meeting, at least 14 days notice in writing shall be given to the members, in advance, by post. The notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the agenda of the business to be transacted.

  • 8.QUORUM OF GENERAL MEETING ;The President shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote. Each member shall have one vote. One-third of the total number of members or 20 (whichever is less) shall form the quorum for a General Meeting. If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be reconvened in the next half an hour, at which the business of the original meeting shall be disposed of, for which no quorum will be required.


a. A special General Meeting may be summoned by the President or by a majority of the Managing Committee or on a requisition from the Registrar or from twenty members or 1/5th of the members on roll, whichever is less. In the latter contingencies it shall be the duty of the President to call such a meeting. The procedure applicable to Annual General Meeting will be applicable to the special General Meeting.

       b. No business other than that for which the meeting has been convened shall be transacted at the special General    



  • The Management and control of  the Association shall be vested in a Managing Committee which will hold office for a period of three years. Retiring members are eligible to stand for re-election.subject to attending at least 75% of all managing committee

  • The Managing Committee shall consist of -
    a.   President 
    b.   The Secretary and
    c.   Joint Secretary
    d.   Treasurer
    e.   three ordinary  members

11.    FORMATION OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE & THE OFFICE BEARERS: The Members of the Managing Committee      

            shall   be elected at a General Body meeting of the Association.


  • President - The President shall preside at all meeting of the Association and the Managing Committee and in his absence, any Managing       
    Committee member shall perform the duties of the President. If the President and the members of the Managing Committee be absent at a meeting or if any of them is unwilling to preside, then the members present shall elect one from among themselves to be President. The majority opinion of the members shall decide all questions. In the event of any equality of votes, the President       shall have a casting or second vote. No committee member shall be present at a meeting or vote on a matter in which he is personally interested. The President, and the Managing Committee shall continue till the next elections are held.

    Secretary and Joint Secretary - The Secretary and Joint Secretary shall both look after the affairs of the Association from day-to-day under the direction of the Managing Committee and shall keep or cause to be kept proper minutes of the proceedings of the General Meeting of the  Association and of the Managing Committee and will do everything necessary to give effect to the resolutions passed by the General Body meeting of the Association as also  those passed by the Managing Committee or any other committee formed from time to time. He will carry on correspondence on behalf of the Association with members and outsiders and shall be in charge of the records of the Association. The Secretary and/or the Joint Secretary shall be at liberty to spend for the purpose and on behalf of the Association any sum not exceeding Rs.500/- without previous sanction of the Managing Committee.

  • Treasurer - The Treasurer will act under the directions of the Managing Committee. Any amount exceeding Rs.500/- which is not       required for immediate use shall be credited into the Association's account with such Bank or Banks, as may be approved by the Managing Committee. The Treasurer shall ordinarily receive all payments made to the Association and pass all necessary receipts, incur all necessary expenses, 
    make disbursements, record the same and maintain proper and necessary books of accounts. 

  • No remuneration, or fees of any kind will be payable to the office bearers of the Association who put in honorary work for the Association, in its larger interest and to further its objectives. Only actual expenditure incurred in 
    traveling, postage, Xeroxing, etc. may be billed to the association.



    a.  The Managing Committee shall meet as often as necessary but at least once a month.

    b.  A meeting of the Managing Committee shall be convened by the Secretary or Joint Secretary in consultation with the President or by a request of the majority of the Committee members made in   writing to either of the Secretaries.

    c.  A member of the Managing Committee who does not attend three consecutive meetings without the permission of the committee shall automatically cease to be a member of the committee.


  • 14. QUORUM AT THE MANAGING COMMITTEE MEETING: The quorum for a meeting of the Managing Committee shall be five. In the absence of a quorum the meeting will be adjourned and reconvened after half an hour at the same place. No quorum is then necessary.


    The President of the association shall be elected by a separate ballot at the same time as the election of the remainder   of the Managing Committee The Managing Committee would then meet to allocate amongst itself the posts of Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer. 

  • Each member present at the General Body Meeting will be entitled to one vote only and will exercise his right in person. The voting right shall vest with the person whose name appears on the membership Register for at least one year prior to the date of the meeting. The voting right cannot be transferred and proxy will not be allowed. The election of office bearers will be conducted by Ballot. The nomination forms duly filled in, should be delivered to the office at least thirty days before the date of election. If the number of nominees exceed the number of office bearers, elections will be held by ballot as necessary. 

  • The President will appoint not more than three election officers from among the members, their decision will be final.

    In case the number of nominees is equal to or less than the elective posts, those whose names have been nominated will be declared by the President as elected and the remaining elective posts, if any will be filled by the Annual General Body meeting as it deem fit. In the event that the General Body does not find fit to fill these remaining posts, the Managing Committee may co-opt suitable candidates at its discretion. 

  • The President shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote in case of a tie. The candidates for the election to the Managing Committee shall be a member of the Association at least for a period of 1 year.


  • 16. FILLING THE VACANCY IN THE MANAGING COMMITTEE: The Managing Committee shall have powers to fill up not more than two  member,  The Managing Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-committees to look after various functions of the Association.


    Subject to the rules and regulations framed and direction passed  at a General Body Meeting, the Managing Committee shall have full authority to carry on the business of the Association. .The Managing Committee is empowered - 

  • To admit new members.

  • To appoint sub-treasurer for collecting subscriptions at local centres.

  • To entertain and deal with complaints.

  • To supervise and check accounts.

  • To prepare the annual reports and balance sheet.

  • To appoint, suspend, remove or discharge any employee of every description of the Association, fix duties and remuneration and, if necessary, to require them to furnish security.

  • To make, revoke and alter from time to time and at all times and to enforce such regulations, terms and conditions relating to the tenants, license or other property of the Association.

  • To compromise and settle or contest either in a court of law or of arbitration or before any Government or quasi - Government authority and suit, proceedings debt, liability or claims by or  against the association.

  • To convene all meetings of the Association according to the rules or bye-laws, subject to the provisions herein contained.

  • To provide such forms as per necessary in consequence of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations and also provide for the same being maintained or used in such manner as the   committee feels desirable.

  • To provide proper books for entering and maintaining the accounts of all business carried on behalf of the Association and the minutes of all meetings and also for making all such entries  as are hereby required or as may be directed at General Body meetings.

  • To authorise one of the members of the committee by name to verify the cash balance as shown in the books of the association, periodically and other property of the Association once in a year and report to the committee the result thereof in the next following meeting. If any shortage, of cash balance or any other property is reported, it shall be the duty of the committee to take prompt steps for recovery of the deficiency in cash or in the property.

  • To do all such acts and things as the committee may think necessary and conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Association.

  • To accept donations from any individual or institution or Govt. / Quasi- Govt. Organisation.

  • The members of the Committee shall be jointly and severally responsible for making good any loss which the Association may suffer on account of their negligence or omission to perform any of the duties and functions cast on them under the Rules and  Regulations of the Association and the rules framed there under for the time-being in force. 

  • And in general to look after and manage the affairs in the best interest of the Association.

  • 18. THE ASSOCIATION'S FUNDS, INCOME AND EXPENDITURE: The funds of the association will comprise of the subscriptions from members, donations, and moneys received from other sources, and the same will be invested in approved securities etc. and the income there from will be utilised to meet the Aims & Objects of the Association.

    75% of the available funds of the association ,not earmarked for any approved expenditure ,shall be invested in approved high yield instruments such as units fixed deposit etc. The investment shall be made at the discretion of the Managing committee
  1. PROVISION OF CURRENT EXPENDITURE: No specific provision has yet been made for current expenditure since the Association has been recently established. 

  2. PROVISIONS FOR LOAN AND DEPOSITS: The Managing Committee shall have powers to borrow, raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the committee may think fit and to redeem or pay off any securities, debts or other monetary liability or the Association.

  3. PROVISION PURCHASE OR SALE OF THE IMMOVABLE ASSETS: The Managing Committee shall be empowered to enter into all contracts for the Association and settle the terms thereof provided that in the case of the following the Managing Committee will take prior permission of the General Body -

    a) To purchase land, mortgage, sell or lease plot or plots or building or tenements or any other immovable property.

    b) To invite tenders and appoint contractors for the construction of tenements for other Philanthropic purposes in respect of or concerning the Association.

  4. BANK ACCOUNT: The Managing Committee shall maintain account for the Association in any scheduled / Grade 1 Co-operative Bank or Banks. The Managing Committee may authorise any four members to operate the accounts, any two of whom should sign jointly.

  5. REGISTER OF MEMBERS: An up-to-date Register of all members of the Association shall be maintained, in a permanent register book or computerised format and shall be kept current by the treasurer.

  6. AMENDMENT TO THE RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Any additions or omissions in the Rules and Regulations of the Association shall be effected by means of a resolution of the Association by 2/3rd majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting duly convened for the purpose.

  7. PROVISIONS FOR CHANGE OF NAME AND AIMS AND OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Any change in the name of the Association or its Aims and Objects shall be in consonance with Section 1.2 & 6 of the registration of the Society rules 1971 (Maharashtra).

  8. DISSOLUTION: The provisions of the societies Registration Act 1980, Section 13 & 14 shall apply to any dissolution procedure of this Association.


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